I wash my hair every seven to ten days. I wash with a clarifying shampoo from VO5 called Kiwi Lime. I dilute it one part to two parts water, so I don't encourage buildup of product in my hair. My first wash is with clarifying shampoo and my second wash is with a moisturizing shampoo called L'Oreal Ever Pure Moisture Shampoo, which by the way is Sulphate Free . After washing I always dry my hair with a shamois, it collects the moisture but gives no lint (Yeah). Next I apply some Tallijah Waajid Mist Bodifier and set in curl rods. I usually let it stay overnight or longer to give me a good set. I apply Tui Oil from Carol's Daughter to my scalp and if I discover any dry scalp I apply Rosemary and Glycerin Astringent.
I've learnt along the way:
- Always protect my hair as much as possible, by covering my head in a satin night cap, in order to prevent lint buildup since it's the number enemy of locks.
- Massage the scalp daily or at least several times per week because it encourages the scalp to release its natural oils and it feels good.
- Wearing locks is a process that is dynamic so there's no need to obsess too much about the little issues which you will encounter, cause there are answers out there online ( Youtube or Hair groups), from your consultant or locktician.
- Confidence will build as you continue in the process, there are always persons that you will encounter who like your hair, and really are genuinely fascinated by it or at worse those who are curious and just want to stare at your locks.
- Last but not least Be Patient
I'm figuring out how to care for my hair effectively and efficiently, mmm sigh of relief.